
These are NPC class templates. Add them to some humanoids or other monsters to diversify an encounter. Bold abilities are passive, underlined ones are added to the attack options of the original creature. If necessary, you can adjust the damage dice to match the base monster’s. — SaltyGoo

Warriors are fighters that operate outside of the rigid structures of armies. Whether they are caste-members of tribes or street-trained brutes, they are characterized by a singular power that becomes impossible to ignore on the battlefield.

Random Encounter
  1. Monster: 3D6 warriors & 1 shaman
  2. Lair: Recently-made war camp.
    Omen: War chants.
  3. Spoor: An especially fierce and violent battle-site.
  4. Tracks: Heads on spikes.
  5. Trace: War horn.
  6. Trace: Broken rudimentary weapon.
D6 What the Monster Wants
  1. Conquer the area.
  2. Trade goods.
  3. Hunt a beast.
  4. Join a horde.
  5. Go back home.
  6. Protect their territory.

Generic Warrior

HD: 1 Armor: leather
Hit it: normal Dodge it: normal
Move: normal  

Attacks (1/round)

Waraxe. The warrior makes a melee attack (1D8).

Painted Runner. Naked warrior wearing shamanistic paint.

Has a fast movement speed. When it attacks a target in melee, it can either make another melee attack (1D4) or dash nearby. The same applies to each of the warrior’s allies attacking a creature engaged in melee with the warrior.

Painted Fury. Naked warrior wearing shamanistic paint.

Consuming Fury. The warrior takes 1D4 non-lethal damage, then makes two melee attacks (1D6).

Painted Terror. Naked warrior wearing shamanistic paint.

Is immune to fear.

Terrorizing Scream. The warrior makes a melee attack (1D6) and screams. The four closest creatures must save or be frightened.

Written on November 15, 2020